Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Interesting morning meal ideas

Are you a one who often skip you breakfast giving an excuse that you don’t have the time to prepare it? Well, knowing the importance of having a morning meal, you should never skip the breakfast, no matter how busy your daily schedule is. Moreover, you should always look for healthy options and avoid fries stuff. According to studies, what you eat in the morning has a direct influence on what you eat the rest of the day. So make sure you chose energy enhancing foods for your morning meal. For most of us a healthy breakfast should include a serving of high calcium food, whole-grain carbohydrate and one fruit. Protein rich food like egg is also a staple for many.

But, when it comes to preparing dishes for the breakfast, there are a number of options that you can go for. There are endless nutritious meals that are easy to prepare and less on calorie count. You can try some interesting combos which are quick to prepare. You can have a bowl of multigrain cereal with lots of blue berries or strawberries in it. Use low fat mill instead of full cream. Granola bar, non-fat yogurt, whole-wheat bagel are also great options for your morning meal. Your breakfast should have at least 5 to 10 gram of fibre. Having a raw apple, black berries, a high fibre cereal, slices of whole-grain rye bread is just perfect to get that fibre. All these items are quite filling and do not add on those extra calories.

For your calcium intake, have a glass of milk. You can go for soy milk, which is known to have potent phytoestrogens which makes your bones strong and protects your heart. If you are a tea toddler, sip green tea with your breakfast. It not only helps in weight loss, but also offers other health benefits. You can also go for unsweetened orange juice which will not only boost your immunity but also help in improving cholesterol levels. If you do not have the time to prepare healthy breakfast dishes at home, you can head to any popular restaurant for breakfast. There are a number of restaurants that serve a range of healthy breakfast dishes. Smoke house deli is one such restaurant. It is among the best restaurants in Bangalore and has a range of healthy and yummy dishes in the breakfast menu. So, try these ideas for your morning meal and never miss your breakfast, no matter how busy you are.