Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Give Your Weekend Morning a Different Twist

We all want our mornings to be delighted and cheerful. But this seems to be difficult during weekdays; however, you can make your mornings happy over the weekends.

We always want to meet our friends over the weekends or try to complete the leftover tasks from the weekdays. But we never pick out some time for ourselves. Do things that make us feel good or our watch that long due movie we always wanted to watch. Following weekend why not take some time out so that you can cherish the beauty that you are.

Now, if you are wondering what you can probably do then here is a list of few things that can make you feel happy about yourself this weekend.

1. If you are a book worm, you can always pick your favourite novel from your cupboard and re-read it over cups of coffee, or ice-cream. There is always an option of buying a new one. You can also buy something other than the usual genre that you read.

2. Walk out your place. Go and travel somewhere you have never been to. There is always a room for short trips over the weekends. If not out of town, then there must definitely be places you would not have gone in your own city. Try and explore around you to give your wanderlust a stop.

3. Baking is one of the most stress-relieving hobbies you can opt for. It not only makes you improve your baking skill, but you get to eat self-made cake or dessert. The Internet is always to your rescue for the same. There are a number of cakes or dessert recipes available over the internet for you to try your hand on.

4. Dedicate an evening to yourself. Treat yourself out to a dinner or maybe in one of the posh bars in Mumbai. Dress your best, relax and savour yourself in your favourite cuisine.

5. Animal therapy is another way that makes you feel relaxed and give yourself a time that is without any stress or tension. It is believed that animals are very positive for humans and they create an environment around us that makes us happy. If you have a pet at your place, that’s great. If not, you can always go to animal shelters that let you play with them for some time.

6. Good breakfast on a weekend is like the cherry on the top. Usually, because of your busy schedules, you might get proper time to cook or have a proper breakfast. The weekend can fill that with a surplus delight. There are many breakfast places in Delhi that will make your morning full of delight.