Sunday, 6 December 2015

Why have Salmon in Breakfast?

Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. No one can discount the importance of breakfast since not only does it supplement the body with the necessary vitamins and nutrients but it can also greatly affect how one's day will go on. A good and complete breakfast can lead to better levels of concentration and a higher level of alertness in the body. One should as a general rule, never skimp out on this meal, and if nothing else then have the compulsory eggs and toast. However when one has the time, then one should certainly put some thought into what they eat first thing in the morning.

In breakfast there are certain foods that can help one to stave off their hunger pangs and also provide a slow-release energy. This way one will not be ravenous by lunch time instead by just hungry enough so eat an appropriate amount of food. There are also certain fruits like grapefruit for instance, which are known to help boost mental stimuli. One of these foods is salmon, especially for breakfast these days. Even a lot of breakfast places in Mumbai and all are incorporating this item into brunch dishes and other breakfast foods.
Salmon is perhaps the most discusses and preferred fish around and nowadays it is being recognized as an extremely good item to be had during breakfast. Being one of the richest sources for omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, it also promotes brain development and better functioning.

Not only is salmon rich in antioxidants, but it also helps in prevention of degenerative and inflammatory diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and more. Salmon also has high amounts of selenium and vitamin D which help it prevent diseases like cancer and more. Breakfast places in Bangalore Delhi and Mumbai and more are realizing its potential and having it in their menu.

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